The Athletic Nude Project

August 2015 - September 2019

Thank you,

As the Athletic Nude project ends I want to acknowledge all of the participants. Thank you so much for trusting me with your image and collaborating on this photo series.

I will still occasionally create images in this style, but on commission only. It has been a great time making all of these images and I have memories to last a lifetime.

It just seemed like the right time to wrap the project up. It started in a boxing ring years ago and the sat on the shelf for many, many months until I picked it up again. Sometimes I shot many athletes in a month or in a week and other times it was months in between shoots. I’ve had athletes come from as far as Saskatchewan and Alabama for the project. I remember each shoot and each one was a little different. I’m proud of the work and am looking for a gallery opportunity to show it off in a print format.

Below are images from each of the shoots I have done.

The Athletic Implied Nudes series is an exploration of the human body under muscle stress— understanding the body’s strength, flexibility, and power. Clean backgrounds, hard lighting, and black & white photography work together to eliminate distractions and highlight the muscle groups and figure of my subjects.

Beginning with Mixed Martial Artists and Boxers, I have developed my technique to capture rapidly firing muscle groups at high speed in front of the lens. The resulting instinct for timing fight photography has lead to an ability to freeze my subjects at the peak of their motion. Discovering a better understanding of the human form with this project has transitioned into my commercial fitness work, maximizing composition and positioning to best showcase the human form.


PFC 11 - Knock out Kidney Disease


Fitness Shoot with Nicole